Meet The Team 1300 INTECH

1300 INTECH | Your Business IT Support Partner | Emmanuel Vovos

Emmanuel Vovos

Sales Director

And with over 35 years in IT, Emmanuel sure has done a lot of listening. It’s a philosophy that he applies to both his personal and professional life, creating a point of difference that our Clients all appreciate.

Emmanuel’s ability to listen, and then deliver ‘big’ service to our Small Business clientele, means he is a valuable and trusted advisor when it comes to IT.

Interests:  Walking, Tennis, Table tennis, Basketball, Fishing, Gardening, Professional Networking, Richmond FC

Favourite Place:  Maldives

1300 INTECH | Your Business IT Support Partner | Brad


Network Architect & Apple Support

With proven skills in all Microsoft Windows environments, as well as Apple MACs, Brad is also the right man to integrate Apple products, including iPads and iPhones, into your network.

Interests: Running, Photography, BMWs

Favourite City: London

Help Desk

Peter & Felix

Help Desk Support

We make use of a variety of IT administration tools to access, automate, measure, manage and remediate remote network operations, resulting in vastly reduced maintenance costs for business IT networks.

The Help Desk is open from 8:30am to 6:00pm each business day, and we are generally able to assist with adhoc after hours issues. Simply leaving a VM message is enough to instigate a callback, if we have a technician available to assist.

Our Help Desk Support plays a vital role in providing timely support to our clients when it really counts ... that is, right now, when the problem has come up. 

Interests: Tech, Tech, and more Tech.

1300 INTECH | Your Business IT Support Partner | Julie



Beginning with a solid grounding at the ATO, Julie moved into the finance industry and has specialised in a number of innovative commercial products over the years, in both Sales and Management roles.

Her expertise in all matters related to finance is a valuable addition to our 1300 INTECH operations.

Interests:  Walking, Cycling, Yoga, Reading and Gardening

Favourite Place: Bruges